A grand time was had by all! On August 12, 2021, Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children celebrated with not just one, but two exciting events that marked the culmination of two large projects. The first project was a ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Vocational facility located at 9200 Wightman Rd, Montgomery Village, Maryland that officially opened the facility for use. This facility will be the new hub for the vocational program and administration offices. The building was fully renovated from top to bottom making it a high end picturesque state-of-the-art facility. The facility is a four-unit condo building that is 6200 square feet in size. The ribbon cutting was conducted by CSAAC Executive Director Eric Salzano, CSAAC Board of Directors President Nivea Cordova Berrios, Director of Infrastructure Operations Craig Pardini as well as Delegate Kirill Reznik; District 39 – Montgomery County.

Eric Salzano had the idea of a new building for CSAAC’s future expansion and Craig Pardini researched and located the perfect building and managed the project from start to finish. CSAAC would like to give special thanks to Montel’s Construction for all the beautiful renovations and Benjamin Office Supplies for a $5,000 donation, plus a 10% discount towards the building’s furniture. A special thanks to everyone who came and celebrated the special event!

The second celebration was the “Flip the Switch” for CSAAC’s solar project at the Jane F. Salzano Center for Autism in Montgomery Village. CSAAC now has one of the largest private solar fields in Montgomery County. Some of the highlights of the new solar field are: 496.8 kW Ground Mount System with 1440 panels, will save CSAAC 2.5+million over 30 years in energy costs with a 75K energy savings year 1, four Electric vehicle charging stations, 468 Tons of CO2 offset per year, 10,891.3 Trees offset per year, and 986.8 Barrels of oil offset per year. CSAAC is working hard to decrease its overhead costs through programs like solar energy. Craig Pardini, CSAAC’s Director of Infrastructure Operations developed the idea of moving CSAAC to solar energy and CSAAC’s Executive Director Eric Salzano and the CSAAC Board of Directors fully supported the idea.

Solar will help ensure CSAAC is ahead of the curve to lessen the dollars spent while maintaining sustainability.
CSAAC would like to give special thanks to Paradise Energy for making this possible and Uninvest Financial for financing the system. A special warm thanks to City of Gaithersburg Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles and Delegate Kirill Reznik for presiding over the dedication.
A special thanks to everyone who attended this event! CSAAC would also like to thank Christopher Drayton, Director of Strategic Development for coordinating these two amazing events!

Click here to see us flipping the switch: https://fb.watch/7mm4JbcY7J/

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