CSAAC was laughing it up with the comedians on Saturday, October 6, 2018. CSAAC held its Annual Charity Event…Stand-up Comedy Night to raise money for the individuals at CSAAC. The event was held at the beautiful Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center in Gaithersburg, MD. Our comedians for the evening were–Sydney Adeniyi, Keith Alberstadt, and Lachlan Patterson.
The evening started with a cocktail reception in the Lakeside Ballroom with a beautiful lake view and live jazz music by Dave Leoni Music. Guests and individuals had the chance to mingle with the comedians at the reception. After the reception, guests headed over to the Washingtonian Ballroom for a fabulous buffet dinner, dessert, drinks, and coffee bar.
Executive Director, Eric Salzano, took to the stage thanking first our Presenting Sponsors: The Insurance Exchange and Kaiser Permanente and all our other wonderful sponsors. He especially thanked Jane Salzano, Founder of CSAAC, Nivea Cordova Berrios, CSAAC Board President, and all CSAAC’s friends and family members that contributed to raising money for a fantastic cause. Nivea Cordova Berrios, CSAAC Board President, also took to the stage to thank all our wonderful supporters and staff associates that provide care for the individuals every day.
The evening entertainment began with our first comedian Sydney Adeniyi, who warmed the audience up with laughter. Our second comedian of the night, Keith Alberstadt, had the audience roaring with laughter and finally our headliner, Lachlan Patterson, continued down the same exuberant path giving us a fantastic performance to the end of a fun evening.
All of us at CSAAC would like to give a big thank you to Susette Baker for managing the event. It truly was a tremendous success for raising funds for a great cause and bringing people together for a wonderful evening.

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