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Dear Friends & Supporters:

We need you!

Just about two weeks ago, Maryland Governor Wes Moore submitted his 2026 state budget proposal to the Maryland General Assembly. In it, he has proposed historical, unprecedented cuts to intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) service funding.


– About $235,000,000 in scattergun cuts to IDD services, from provider-delivered supports (like the kind CSAAC provides) to people with IDD who self-direct/control their own services and budgets; deep and dangerous cuts that will impact Maryland kids and adults with IDD.


– Because of this, the State will forfeit a further $235,000,000 in federal Medicaid matching funds—bringing the total to $470,000,000. Just under a half billion dollars.


– For CSAAC alone, funding cuts are likely to be in the $25,000,000 to $28,000,000 range, as much as a whopping 30% of our budget.  And it’s not just the numbers. The manner of the cuts, which also directly target, among other things, direct supports to people with particular or extra needs. Make no mistake—this will devastate people with IDD and the workforce that supports them, and will inevitably result in people with IDD, including those supported by CSAAC, being at risk.


– CSAAC will also have to layoff 150 – 200 direct support professionals, as much as 25% – 30% of our workforce which would severely disable the ability for CSAAC to care for the individuals in our programs!


– There is no community more capable of effective advocacy that the IDD community.  There is no group of friends and supporters more influential than CSAAC’s.  But, we must act and act swiftly.


– To access, customize, and send a traditional letter to your elected officials, click here to access an editable Word document.


Click here to Find my State Representative – Select “Lookup” and enter your address and zip code. **ONLY SEND TO YOUR STATE SENATOR AND DELEGATES


– For a suggested script of key talking points for a phone call to your elected officials, click here.


– There are many helpful resources on this topic.  You can also access a useful MD Developmental Disabilities Coalition fact sheet and articles from the Baltimore Sun and Bethesda Magazine.


– There is no time to lose—lives are at stake. Please join us in protecting life-supporting services for Marylanders with IDD. Take action now.


– And, if you want to chat with me or you have questions or ideas on how we can effectively advocate in support of Marylanders with IDD, contact me on either 240.912.2256 or at


A poll released this morning by The Washington Post and the University of Maryland’s Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement revealed that a staggering 74% of Maryland voters oppose the proposed $200 million cut from the budget that supports people with developmental disabilities. This proposed cut is the least popular among all of Governor Wes Moore’s budget actions.


Best Regards,

Eric Salzano, CSAAC Executive Director